Collin Cahill - Front-end engineer

collin cahill

front-end engineer


  • A visual memoir of Hungarian history, told with a modern perspective using exciting web technology.

    Proud & Torn

    A visual memoir of Hungarian history, told with a modern perspective using exciting web technology.

    tools used:

    html, css, js, gulp, handlebars, gsap

  • A timeline of significant events and inventions in mass communication, sorted by industry, year, or juxtaposed with other industries.

    Media & Culture Interactive Timeline

    A timeline of significant events and inventions in mass communication, sorted by industry, year, or juxtaposed with other industries.

    tools used:

    js, react, webpack

  • Lit Element Todo App

    Practice for Lit Element; this is a basic todo app based on TodoMVC.

    tools used:

    js, lit